+34 961 503 912    info@gruposoria.es

Extraordinary General Meeting MARCH 2022

Feb 16, 2022 | General Meeting

The Board of Directors of the company PALBOPLAST S.A., at its meeting held on 9 February 2022, adopted the resolution to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of the company, which will take place on 16 March 2022 at 9.30 a.m. on first call, and on 17 March at 9.30 a.m. on second call, in both cases at the company’s registered offices, located in Alaquàs (Valencia) at Calle Jaime I, 9, to deliberate and decide on the matters included in the following agenda: Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

First-Authorisation for the Board of Directors to request a loan to the company Y.Josami SA, owned by the Soria Olmos family, which also forms part of its Board of Directors, in the amount of 650,000 euros, with a repayment period of five years from its signature and an annual interest rate of 0.60%, which will be used for the acquisition of new machinery for the development of the activity.

Second.-Express delegation to the Board of Directors to sign the public and private documents necessary to carry out the above agreement, in the event of its approval, even in the event of self-contracting, conflict of interest and plural presentation.

From the date this notice of meeting is sent, members have the right, in accordance with article 197 of the same Act, to request in writing, prior to the General Meeting or verbally during the meeting, any reports or clarifications they deem necessary regarding the matters included on the Agenda, in the manner and within the time limits established in the aforementioned article.

The call will be made through the company’s website, in accordance with article 173, in relation to article 11 bis of the Capital Companies Act.

Alaquàs (VaIencia),14 February 2022 The President of the Council

Grupo Soria Experience

Grupo Soria Experience

Somos fabricantes de productos para la limpieza del hogar, el cuidado de la ropa, productos para la higiene personal, y bolsas de basura 100 % recicladas, tanto en formatos industriales como domésticos.

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